

“Inorganic Life. On Post-Vitalism” Out now

New Book on Deleuze’s inorganic vitalism published by Diaphanes and distributed by Chicago University Press


Schlaflosigkeiten at Polysophie (University Vienna)

Talk at the colloquium of Polysophie at University of Vienna on sleeplessness as the haunting of modernity


“Lustprinzip” at Elemente der Psychoanalyse

Talk at the Psychoanalytic Library Berlin on the tention in the notion of the Pleasure Principle in Freud, Marcuse and Deleuze


Audio of the Talk “From Spectral Pasts to Inorganic Futures”

Audio-Recording of the Talk “From Spectral Pasts to Inorganic Futures. On the Temporal Politics of the Death Drive”, originally given at the conference “Politics of Death Drive” (16.06.2022)


Politics of Death Drive. Dis/Identification, Transgression, War, Workshop 16th – 17th June 2022

Workshop on the Politics of Death Drive at European-University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder), 16th – 17th June 2022


From Spectral Pasts to Inorganic Futures

Talk at Workshop “Politics of Death Drive. Dis/Identification, Transgression, War” on 16th June 2022


Un-Becoming. An Uneven Note on Meillassoux and Deleuze

New Essay on Deleuze, Speculative Realism and Time


Das Unbewegliche. Philosophien und Politiken der Erschöpfung nach Deleuze

Talk at “Szenen der Kritik” at the Europa-University Viadriana


Philosophien der Erschöpfung. Entfremdung und Vitalismus nach Deleuze

Talk at MoMo Leipzig 2020


Absolute Xenogenesis. Speculations on an Unnatural History of Life

New Essay “Absolute Xenogenesis” included in the anthology “Diseases of the Head” (edited by Matt Rosen)


Die andere Seite des Raumes. Zur Unbewohnbarkeit im Spekulativen Realismus und der Architektur

Guest Lecture at the Technical University of Vienna 2020


Life – Damaged and Excessive. Negativity and Desire between Adorno and Deleuze

Talk at WinterSchool Tübingen with Ray Brassier 2019


Nietzsche’s Idealist Vitalism. Non-Philosophical Objections to a Politics of Difference

Talk at the Friedrich Nietzsche Conference 2018 at New Castle University, September 20th 2018. 11.30 am


Maschinisches Denken. Deleuze‘ anorganische Philosophie

Workshop Maschinisches Denken. Deleuze‘ anorganische Philosophie at the Symposium: Dis/Organizing. Bauhaus-Universiät Weimar, 13.07.2018


Paleonoetics. On the Natural Logic of Lost Thoughts

Talk by Iain Hamilton Grant and Eckardt Lindner, Volksbühne Berlin, Roter Salon


Die Welt Ohne Uns

Romina Achatz interviews Eckardt Lindner


Iain Hamilton Grant „Die Natur Der Natur“

Finally, the new book „Die Natur der Natur“ with amazing texts by philosopher Iain Hamilton Grant translated into German by Eckardt Lindner is here!


Denken gegen die Lebenden. Transzendentaler Empirismus als Anorganische Philosophie

Talk at the PhD-Candidate Symposium of the Austrian Society for Philosophy at Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt


Leben, zwischen dem Geröll dieser Existenz. Neo- und Antivitalismus in Phänomenologie und im Spekulativen Realismus

Talk at the Symposium „Phänomenologie und Neuer Realismus“ at the University of Vienna


The Autoimmunity of Givenness. The organic and inorganic conditions of experience in Kant and Deleuze.

 Talk at the Winterschool with Ray Brassier “Phenomenology and the Framework of Givernness” at the University Tübingen