Philosophien der Erschöpfung. Entfremdung und Vitalismus nach Deleuze
Vortrag bei MoMo Leipzig
Un-Becoming. An Uneven Note on Meillassoux and Deleuze
Essay on Deleuze, Speculative Realism and Time
Absolute Xenogenesis. Speculations on an Unnatural History of Life
New Essay “Absolute Xenogenesis” included in the anthology “Diseases of the Head” (edited by Matt Rosen)
Life – Damaged and Excessive. Negativity and Desire between Adorno and Deleuze
Talk at WinterSchool Tübingen with Ray Brassier 2019 Abstract: Although both Adorno and Deleuze stage their critique of Hegel in a distinctly Nietzschean fashion, rejecting the totalizing tendency of conceptual thought in the name of the non-identical and singular, their non-idealistic materialisms seem to be dissimilar beyond any chance for reconciliation. However, the respective loci…
Nietzsche’s Idealist Vitalism. Non-Philosophical Objections to a Politics of Difference
TALK at Friedrich Nietzsche Conference 2018, September 20th 2018. 11.30 am In Laruelle’s analyses in Philosophies of Difference, he lines Nietzsche’s und Deleuze’s vitalism up with idealism, insofar as all actual existence is judged by an immaterial principal – life or becoming – and therefore ideality and reality become identical. Nietzsche reaches this point by…
Maschinisches Denken. Deleuze‘ anorganische Philosophie
WORKSHOP: Maschinisches Denken. Deleuze‘ anorganische Philosophie Mastertagung: Dis/Organizing. Bauhaus-Universiät Weimar, 13.07.2018 Deleuze ist nicht nur der Künstler, sondern auch der Ingenieur des Denkens; oder der Philosoph des Denkens als Maschinenbau. Seine Maschinen jedoch, konstruieren sich durch die internen Kräfte der Materie als reale Abstraktionen, anstatt durch einen externen Eingriff konfiguriert zu werden. Wenn es aber nichts gibt,…
Paleonoetics. On the Natural Logic of Lost Thoughts
Talk by Iain Hamilton Grant and Eckardt Lindner 01.04.2018, 20:00 Volksbühne Berlin, Roter Salon Join us for the book launch at Roter Salon at the Volksbühne Berlin on 01.04.2018 at 20:00 for an evening of investigations, speculations and fabulations about the nature of nature with Iain Hamilton Grant, Armen Avanessian and me. TICKETS HERE: https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/de/programm/3495/armen-avanessian-enemies-18-iain-grant-palaeonoetics-on-the-natural-logic-of-lost-thoughts
Iain Hamilton Grant „Die Natur Der Natur“
New Book Finally, the new book „Die Natur der Natur“ with amazing texts by philosopher Iain Hamilton Grant translated into German (by me) is here! A mix of anti-oedipal futuristic theory fiction, rigorous philosophical analysis, Hegelian Prose, Schellingian Speculation and Deleuzian Madness encompassing the bus of all existence, fluxes, black sand, the Idea, natural science…
Denken gegen die Lebenden
TALK 02.12.2017, 10 a.m. “Denken gegen die Lebenden. Transzendentaler Empirismus als Anorganische Philosophie” at the PhD-Candidate Symposium of the Austrian Society for Philosophy at Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt