The inability to sleep has been one of the fundamental experiences since the onset of (industrial) modernity and few diagnoses of the times are as self-evident as that we live in an age of sleeplessness. At first glance, the complete indifference that philosophy has shown towards this phenomenon is therefore astonishing. The project “Insomnias”, on…
Einleitung In einer wenig bekannten Schrift Immanuel Kants „Von der Macht des Gemüts, durch den bloßen Vorsatz seiner krankhaften Gefühle Meister zu sein“ berichtet Immanuel Kant von den Schrecken, die ihm seine eingesunkene und enge Brust bei Nacht bescherte; von den selbstquälerischen Gedanken seines kommenden Endes, mit denen ihn die „dichtende Einbildungskraft“ wie mit einem…
In a seemingly prophetic remark by Engels in 1887, he describes his present as marked by a “general exhaustion” in which he recapitulates the catastrophic situation of the Thirty Years’ War as well as the impoverishment of the masses and foresees the autophagic agony of the First World War. At the same time, he projects…
Inorganic Life
The study of inorganic life is actually concerned with the peculiar in/existence of the inorganic. As a conceptual horizon for this discussion, the course of the argument will follow the largely unchallenged presupposition of zonta-centrism, by which is understood here the assumption that living things (hōs zōnta) are different in kind from non-living things, insofar…
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“Lustprinzip” bei Elemente der Psychoanalyse
Talk about the Politics of the Pleasure Principle at the Psychoanalytic Library. 10.01.2023, 8pm.
Audio of the Talk “From Spectral Pasts to Inorganic Futures”
Audio-Recording of the Talk “From Spectral Pasts to Inorganic Futures. On the Temporal Politics of the Death Drive”, originally given at the conference “Politics of Death Drive” (16.06.2022)
Politics of Death Drive. Dis/Identification, Transgression, War, Workshop 16th – 17th June 2022
Workshop on the Politics of Death Drive at European-University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder), 16th – 17th June 2022
From Spectral Pasts to Inorganic Futures (Talk 16.06.2022)
Talk at Workshop “Politics of Death Drive. Dis/Identification, Transgression, War” on 16th June 2022
Die andere Seite des Raumes. Zur Unbewohnbarkeit im Spekulativen Realismus und der Architektur
Vortrag an der Technischen Universität Wien gemeinsam mit Fabian Gabelberger